Inline Skates: A Fun and Easy Way to Keep Children Active

Appealing, fun and fancy, roller blades are one of the best investments you can make for helping your child stay healthy and happy. Healthy because he’ll be physically active, and happy because the’ll be able to roller skate with his friends.

Unlike roller skates which have two horizontal trucks or hangars, inline skates have one central frame and a line of wheels which gives them a sleeker look. They are quite popular among both kids and adults and are mainly the most preferred option when it comes to skating. But as we already said, rollerblading isn’t only a fun activity, in fact, it’s a sport that can provide both children and adults with numerous physical and health benefits.

Weight Management

Managing our weight is something with which a lot of people struggle. The fast and busy life we’re living is making us do some devastating mistakes, especially with food, so we end up making bad choices. Unfortunately, adults pass these bad choices to their children, so it isn’t strange that today we’re seeing a lot of children dealing with obesity. Fortunately, physical activity is one of the easiest answers to this fundamental problem. So, whether you want to prevent obesity in your children or you want to help your child manage his weight, rollerblading is the easiest way to help him out. This is a great cardiovascular exercise that can help your child manage his weight in a fun way. Without even knowing, your little one will be able to manage his weight while having fun with his friends.

Improved Balance

Inline skates for kids

Having their wheels positioned in one line means that for manoeuvring them your child should learn to balance. Maintaining balance will help your child improve the overall balance and stance which is great, especially for smaller children who are still having difficulties finding their balance in some activities.

Having a good balance will help your child improve his walking posture while reducing the amount of energy used on some regular activities like sitting and standing. So, without any hesitation, for your next children’s gift purchase, inline skates should be on top of your list. Black, white, blue, green, and pink, the choice for inline skates is huge, allowing you to purchase inline skates of any kind and size.

Muscle Development


Working the muscles is fundamental in order for our body to function well. And even though these are children we’re talking about, still muscle development is important so they could walk, run and play without a problem. Rollerblading plays a huge role in all of this because it involves different muscle groups of the legs and the core. This will improve your child’s control and balance, helping him maintain an upright position all the time.

Controls Insulin Levels

Skates for kids

Diabetes is a disease that’s unfortunately, quite common these days. Unhealthy eating disorders, excess weight and lack of physical activity are one of the main causes of diabetes even in children. So, in order to prevent and defeat diabetes, doctors recommend aerobics and strength training exercises and it seems that rollerblading is a great aerobic exercise.

Tips for Choosing the Right Model

The benefits of your child having inline skates are many, but in order to enjoy wearing them, they should fit properly. The inline skates’ fit is paramount for improving your child’s comfort, which is why you should take into account some important things in order to make the right choice.

Colour and Look

Skates for kids

The colour and the inline skates’ look may not be the first thing you would look at if purchasing inline skates for you, but this should be the first thing to look at when buying them for your child. Children can be quite picky, so you really need to choose skates that’ll match your child’s personal taste. Luckily, today’s inline skates are available in tons of colour options, designs and looks, which will ease your search a lot.

Size and Padding

The size of the skates is an extremely important feature you should have in mind. Children can grow really fast, especially their feet, so it would be preferable if you would choose a size up so you can be sure that your child will be able to wear them for at least two seasons. In case you have a toddler, you can always choose inline skates that can extend around two sizes up which allows your child to get the best out of them.

The chosen inline skates should also have the needed padding so your child won’t be able to feel the skate’s plastic at all. The overall skates should be made of quality plastic and inside padding in order to provide your child with comfort all the time. Ideally, you should buy the skates from a trusted and reliable store that can provide you with skates coming from eminent brands known for their quality.

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